Osprey Companies' Investment Philosophy

Invest in “fragmented” sectors of commercial real estate

Asset classes where institutional capital hasn’t yet consolidated the space. In a fragmented niche, we are often able to acquire assets from smaller mom-and-pop owners who may be less sophisticated than institutional firms.

Invest in recession-resistant sectors of commercial real estate

Focusing on recession-resistant assets allows us to protect the downside risk. Historically during recessions some industries still do reasonably well, or even thrive due to changing patterns of consumption and behavior.  Often these are industries where demand is inelastic to changes in prices and incomes – the volume of consumer demand is relatively stable.

Create “off market” transactions

Buying deals off market gives us a distinct competitive advantage. In a hot market, when we find an off market opportunity we are not competing with multiple buyers.  With off market deals, both parties are also far more relaxed when they come to the negotiating table. This can lead to the kind of terms and conditions that would never be possible on the open market.

Invest for cash flow and long term wealth

We only invest in deals that have positive cash flow in place from day one. We stick to disciplined and conservative acquisition criteria to insure we buy right.  We never try to time the market and our criteria is not flexible with market conditions.